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Creating a custom adapter

What is an adapter

An adapter is essentially a class that fetches and parses your data and returns it in a format JBrowse understands.

For example, if you have some data source that contains genes, and you want to display those genes using JBrowse's existing gene displays, you can write a custom adapter to do so. If you want to do a custom display of your data, though, you'll probably need to create a custom display and/or renderer along with your adapter.

What types of adapters are there

  • Feature adapter - This is the most common type of adapter. Essentially, it takes a request for a region (a chromosome, starting position, and ending position) and returns the features (e.g. genes, reads, variants, etc.) that are in that region. Examples of this in JBrowse include adapters for BAM and VCF file formats.
  • Regions adapter - This type of adapter is used to define what regions are in an assembly. It returns a list of chromosomes/contigs/scaffolds and their sizes. An example of this in JBrowse is an adapter for a chrome.sizes file.
  • Sequence adapter - This is basically a combination of a regions adapter and a feature adapter. It can give the list of regions in an assembly, and can also return the sequence of a queried region. Examples of this in JBrowse include adapters for FASTA and .2bit file formats.
  • RefName alias adapter - This type of adapter is used to return data about aliases for reference sequence names, for example to define that "chr1" is an alias for "1". An example of this in JBrowse is an adapter for (alias files)[]
  • Text search adapter - This type of adapter is used to search through text search indexes. Returns list of search results. An example of this in JBrowse is the trix text search adapter.

Note When using the refName alias adapter, it's important that the first column match what is seen in your FASTA file.

Skeleton of a feature adapter

A basic feature adapter might look like this (with implementation omitted for simplicity):

class MyAdapter extends BaseFeatureDataAdapter {
constructor(config) {
// config
async getRefNames() {
// return refNames used in your adapter, used for refName renaming

getFeatures(region, opts) {
// region: {
// refName:string, e.g. chr1
// start:number, 0-based half open start coord
// end:number, 0-based half open end coord
// assemblyName:string, assembly name
// originalRefName:string the name of the refName from the fasta file, e.g. 1 instead of chr1
// }
// opts: {
// stopToken?: string
// all the renderProps() object from the display type
// }

freeResources(region) {
// can be empty

So to make a feature adapter, you implement the getRefNames function (optional), the getFeatures function (returns an rxjs observable stream of features, discussed below) and freeResources (optional).

Example feature adapter

To take this a little slow, let's look at each function individually.

This is a more complete description of the class interface that you can implement:

import { BaseFeatureDataAdapter } from '@jbrowse/core/data_adapters/BaseAdapter'
import SimpleFeature from '@jbrowse/core/util/simpleFeature'
import { readConfObject } from '@jbrowse/core/configuration'
import { ObservableCreate } from '@jbrowse/core/util/rxjs'

class MyAdapter extends BaseFeatureDataAdapter {
// your constructor gets a config object that you can read with readConfObject
// if you use "subadapters" then you can initialize those with getSubAdapter
constructor(config, getSubAdapter) {
const fileLocation = readConfObject(config, 'fileLocation')
const subadapter = readConfObject(config, 'sequenceAdapter')
const sequenceAdapter = getSubAdapter(subadapter)

// use rxjs SimpleFeature(...your feature data....) for each
// feature you want to return
getFeatures(region, options) {
return ObservableCreate(async observer => {
try {
const { refName, start, end } = region
const response = await fetch(
if (response.ok) {
const features = await result.json()
features.forEach(feature => {
new SimpleFeature({
uniqueID: `${feature.refName}-${feature.start}-${feature.end}`,
refName: feature.refName,
start: feature.start,
end: feature.end,
} else {
throw new Error(`${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`)
} catch (e) {

async getRefNames() {
// returns the list of refseq names in the file, used for refseq renaming
// you can hardcode this if you know it ahead of time e.g. for your own
// remote data API or fetch this from your data file e.g. from the bam header
return ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3'] /// etc

freeResources(region) {
// optionally remove cache resources for a region
// can just be an empty function

What is needed from a feature adapter


Returns the refNames that are contained in the file. This is used for "refname renaming" and is optional, but highly useful in scenarios like human chromosomes which have, for example, chr1 vs 1.

Returning the refNames used by a given file or resource allows JBrowse to automatically smooth these small naming disparities over. See reference renaming.


A function that returns features from the file given a genomic range query e.g.,

getFeatures(region, options)

The region parameter contains:

interface Region {
refName: string
start: number
end: number
originalRefName: string
assemblyName: string

The refName, start, end specify a simple genomic range. The assemblyName is used to query a specific assembly if your adapter responds to multiple assemblies, e.g. for a synteny data file or a REST API that queries a backend with multiple assemblies.

The originalRefName are also passed, where originalRefName is the queried refname before ref renaming e.g. in BamAdapter, if the BAM file uses chr1, and your reference genome file uses 1, then originalRefName will be 1 and refName will be chr1.

The options parameter to getFeatures can contain any number of things:

interface Options {
bpPerPx: number
stopToken?: string
statusCallback: Function
headers: Record<string, string>
  • bpPerPx - number: resolution of the genome browser when the features were fetched
  • stopToken - can be used to abort a fetch request when it is no longer needed, from AbortController
  • statusCallback - not implemented yet but in the future may allow you to report the status of your loading operations
  • headers - set of HTTP headers as a JSON object
  • anything from the renderProps of the display model type gets passed to the getFeatures opts

We return an rxjs Observable from getFeatures. This is similar to a JBrowse 1 getFeatures call, where we pass each feature to a featureCallback, tell it when we are done with finishCallback, and send errors to errorCallback, except we do all those things with the Observable

Here is a "conversion" of JBrowse-1-style getFeatures callbacks to JBrowse 2 observable calls

  • featureCallback(new SimpleFeature(...)) -> SimpleFeature(...))
  • finishCallback() -> observer.complete()
  • errorCallback(error) -> observer.error(error)


This is uncommonly used, so most adapters make this an empty function

Most adapters in fact use an LRU cache to make resources go away over time instead of manually cleaning up resources