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Modifying JBrowse menus

Adding a top-level menu

These are the menus that appear in the top bar of JBrowse Web and JBrowse Desktop. By default, there are File, Add, Tools, and Help menus.

You can add your own menu, or you can add menu items or sub-menus to the existing menus and sub-menus. Sub-menus can be arbitrarily deep.

In the above screenshot, the `Add` menu provides quick access to adding a view via the UI; this is a good place to consider adding your own custom view type.
Figure: In the above screenshot, the `Add` menu provides quick access to adding a view via the UI; this is a good place to consider adding your own custom view type.

You add menus in the configure method of your plugin. Not all JBrowse products will have top-level menus, though. JBrowse Web and JBrowse Desktop have them, but something like JBrowse Linear View (which is an just a single view designed to be embedded in another page) does not. This means you need to check whether or not menus are supported using isAbstractMenuManager in the configure method. This way the rest of the plugin will still work if there is not a menu. Here's an example that adds an "Open My View" item to the Add menu.

import Plugin from '@jbrowse/core/Plugin'
import { isAbstractMenuManager } from '@jbrowse/core/util'
import InfoIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Info'

class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
name = 'MyPlugin'

install(pluginManager) {
// install MyView here

configure(pluginManager) {
if (isAbstractMenuManager(pluginManager.rootModel)) {
pluginManager.rootModel.appendToMenu('Add', {
label: 'Open My View',
icon: InfoIcon,
onClick: session => {
session.addView('MyView', {})

Adding track menu items

If you create a custom track, you can populate the track menu items in it using the trackMenuItems property in the track model. For example:

If you'd prefer to append your track menu items onto menu items available from the base display, you can grab the trackMenuItems property from the extended model and redefine trackMenuItems with your new Menu Item appended at the end, like so:

// model
.views(self => {
const { trackMenuItems: superTrackMenuItems } = self
return {
get trackMenuItems() {
return [
// calling superTrackMenuItems retains the menu items from the base
// model
label: 'Menu Item',
icon: AddIcon,
onClick: () => {},

Adding track context-menu items

When you right-click in a linear track, a context menu will appear if there are any menu items defined for it.

A screenshot of a context menu available on a linear genome view track. Here, we see the context menu of a feature right-clicked on a LinearAlignmentsDisplay.
Figure: A screenshot of a context menu available on a linear genome view track. Here, we see the context menu of a feature right-clicked on a LinearAlignmentsDisplay.

It's possible to add items to that menu, and you can also have different menu items based on if the click was on a feature or not, and based on what feature is clicked. This is done by extending the contextMenuItems view of the display model. Here is an example:

class SomePlugin extends Plugin {
name = 'SomePlugin'

install(pluginManager) {
pluggableElement => {
if ( === 'LinearPileupDisplay') {
const { stateModel } = pluggableElement
const newStateModel = stateModel.extend(self => {
const superContextMenuItems = self.contextMenuItems
return {
views: {
contextMenuItems() {
const feature = self.contextMenuFeature
if (!feature) {
// we're not adding any menu items since the click was not
// on a feature
return superContextMenuItems()
return [
label: 'Some menu item',
icon: SomeIcon,
onClick: () => {
// do some stuff

pluggableElement.stateModel = newStateModel
return pluggableElement

You can add menus or add items to existing menus in several places.

In these different places, a MenuItem object defines the menu item's text, icon, action, and other attributes.

Types of MenuItems:

  • Normal: a standard menu item that performs an action when clicked
  • Checkbox: a menu item that has a checkbox
  • Radio: a menu item that has a radio button icon
  • Divider: a horizontal line (not clickable) that can be used to visually divide menus
  • SubHeader: text (not clickable) that can be used to visually label a section of a menu
  • SubMenu: contains menu items, for making nested menus
typeOptions are 'normal', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'subMenu', 'subHeader', or 'divider'. If not provided, defaults to 'normal', unless a subMenu attribute is present, in which case it defaults to 'subMenu'.
labelThe text for the menu item. Not applicable to 'divider', required for all others.
subLabelAdditional descriptive text for the menu item. Not applicable to 'divider' or 'subHeader', optional for all others.
iconAn icon for the menu item. Must be compatible with Material-UI's Icons. Not applicable to 'divider' or 'subHeader', optional for all others.
disabledWhether or not the menu item is disabled (meaning grayed out and not clickable). Not applicable to 'divider' or 'subHeader', optional for all others.
checkedWhether or not the checkbox or radio button are selected. Only applicable to 'radio' and 'checkbox'
onClickCallback of action to perform on click. Function signature is (session) => undefined. Required for 'normal', 'radio', and 'checkbox', not applicable to any others.
subMenuAn array of menu items. Applicable only to 'subMenu'.

As an example, the here is an array of MenuItems and the resulting menu:

label: 'Normal menu item',
icon: AddIcon,
onClick: () => {},
label: 'Normal',
subLabel: 'with subLabel',
icon: AddIcon,
onClick: () => {},
label: 'Disabled menu item',
disabled: true,
icon: AddIcon,
onClick: () => {},
type: 'radio',
label: 'Radio checked',
checked: true,
onClick: () => {},
type: 'radio',
label: 'Radio unchecked',
checked: false,
onClick: () => {},
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Checkbox checked',
checked: true,
onClick: () => {},
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Checkbox unchecked',
checked: false,
onClick: () => {},
{ type: 'divider' },
{ type: 'subHeader', label: 'This is a subHeader' },
label: 'SubMenu',
subMenu: [
label: 'SubMenu item one',
onClick: () => {},
label: 'SubMenu item two',
onClick: () => {},
This screenshot shows all the various track menu options, generated by the code listing
Figure: This screenshot shows all the various track menu options, generated by the code listing