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URL query parameter API

JBrowse Web features the ability to automatically provide URL parameters to setup a session

Note that the embedded components like @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view make no assumptions on how URL params are used, so would have to be implemented by the consumer of the library

Linear genome view (simple)

We provide a simplified URL format specifically designed for launching a single linear genome view



Here are the query params used here




A path to a JBrowse 2 config file, relative to the current folder on the disk. Note that this just uses client side fetch to read the file, not server side file reads. If ?config= is not specified, it looks for a file named config.json e.g. http://host/jbrowse2/config.json which is what the @jbrowse/cli tool sets up by default




The &assembly parameter refers to an assembly's "name" field one of the "assemblies" array in the from the config.json. This is only used for launching a single linear genome view.




This performs a navigation to this region on load, which can be specified using the syntax. This is only used for launching a single linear genome view.

Example strings

&loc=chr1:6000-7000 // using - notation for range
&loc=chr1:6000..7000 // using .. notation for range
&loc=chr1:7000 // centered on this position
&loc=GENEID // if you have used `jbrowse text-index`

Note 1: Navigating via &loc=GENEID using the text-index was added in v2.9.0

Note 2: If you have a specialized use case for navigating, e.g. you need to combine URL navigation with defaultSession, then you might consider making a small plugin to do so. Here is a code listing example:




This will create a highlight over the specified region when combined with &assembly= and &loc=.

Multiple highlight locations can be specified by delimiting locations with a space:

&highlight=chr1:6000-7000 chr1:7100-7200




This opens the track selector by default. Default false



Turns off the navigation bar of the linear genome view




This is a comma separated list of trackIds. You can see your trackId's in the config.json. Note, you can also refer to a trackId added by &sessionTracks= here. This is only used for launching a single linear genome view.


If you want to dynamically add a track to the session, you can do so with &sessionTracks=

You can also use this method to add a FromConfigAdapter track, which let's you specify features in JSON format, so you can e.g. add BLAST hits via the URL bar

Example,volvox_filtered_vcf,volvox_microarray,volvox_cram,url_track&sessionTracks=[{"type":"FeatureTrack","trackId":"url_track","name":"URL track","assemblyNames":["volvox"],"adapter":{"type":"FromConfigAdapter","features":[{"uniqueId":"one","refName":"ctgA","start":100,"end":200,"name":"Boris"}]}}]

Live link

This creates a track dynamically that has a single feature at chr1:100-200

The data to supply to &sessionTracks= is an array of track configs, and in the above URL, looks like this when pretty-printed

"type": "FeatureTrack",
"trackId": "url_track",
"name": "URL track",
"assemblyNames": ["volvox"],
"adapter": {
"type": "FromConfigAdapter",
"features": [
"uniqueId": "one",
"refName": "ctgA",
"start": 190,
"end": 191,
"name": "Boris"

Session spec

Linear genome view

We can specify a "session spec" (short for specification) using JSON{"views":[{"assembly":"volvox","loc":"ctgA:1-5100","type": "LinearGenomeView","tracks":["gff3tabix_genes","volvox_filtered_vcf","volvox_microarray","volvox_cram"]}]}

Live link

Expanded JSON of the contents of the URL

"views": [
"assembly": "volvox",
"loc": "ctgA:1-5100",
"type": "LinearGenomeView",
"tracks": [

As you can see, you can supply an array of views (so you can open multiple views at once) and can specify the loc, tracks, assembly, and view type, or other view specific parameters (different view types may accept different params, e.g. dotplot has two assemblies)

Circular view

Here is an example of a JSON session spec for a Circular View{"views":[{"assembly":"volvox","loc":"ctgA:1-5100","type": "CircularView","tracks":["volvox_sv_test"]}]}

Live link


"views": [
"assembly": "volvox",
"loc": "ctgA:1-5100",
"type": "CircularView",
"tracks": ["volvox_sv_test"]

Dotplot view

Here is an example of a JSON session spec for a Dotplot View"views":%5B%7B"type":"DotplotView","views":%5B%7B"assembly":"volvox"%7D,%7B"assembly":"volvox"%7D%5D,"tracks":%5B"volvox_fake_synteny"%5D%7D%5D%7D

Live link


"views": [
"type": "DotplotView",
"views": [{ "assembly": "volvox" }, { "assembly": "volvox" }],
"tracks": ["volvox_fake_synteny"]

Note that this dotplot session spec doesn't have the ability to navigate to specific regions on the assembly yet, it just navigates to a whole genome overview

Spreadsheet view

Here is an example of a JSON session spec for a Spreadsheet View,%20%22uri%22:%22test_data/volvox/volvox.filtered.vcf.gz%22,%22assembly%22:%22volvox%22%7D%5D%7D

Live link


"views": [
"type": "SpreadsheetView",
"uri": "test_data/volvox/volvox.filtered.vcf.gz",
"assembly": "volvox"

SV inspector

Here is an example of a JSON session spec for a SV Inspector View"views":%5B%7B"type":"SvInspectorView","uri":"test_data/volvox/volvox.dup.vcf.gz","assembly":"volvox"%7D%5D%7D

Live link


views: [
type: "SvInspectorView",
uri: "test_data/volvox/volvox.dup.vcf.gz",
assembly: "volvox",

Linear synteny view

Here is an example of a JSON session spec for a Linear Synteny View{"views":[{"type":"LinearSyntenyView","tracks":["volvox_fake_synteny"],"views":[{"loc":"ctgA:1-30000","assembly":"volvox"},{"loc":"ctgA:1000-31000","assembly":"volvox"}]}]}

Live link


"views": [
"type": "LinearSyntenyView",
"tracks": ["volvox_fake_synteny"],
"views": [
{ "loc": "ctgA:1-30000", "assembly": "volvox" },
{ "loc": "ctgA:1000-31000", "assembly": "volvox" }

Other session options

Another useful session URL is called a "session spec" or "session specification". This provides a way to launch multiple views at once, including view types other than the linear genome view


Similar to encoded sessions, but more readable, &session=json- type sessions let you specify the input a JSON snapshot of a session session. This is slightly different from a session spec, which has extra logic that loads the session. JSON sessions are literal session snapshots, like those that might come from the "Export session..." process



This loads a session with an extra plugin loaded


This is similar to JSON sessions but uses a URL encoding (base64+gzip)


Note that the "Share" button has a gear icon that let's you select "Long URL" that produces these URLs. The encoded share links can be used without the central session sharing system in place, as the entire session is encoded in the URL.


The local sessions look like this


By default, after a session is loaded, it is stored into localStorage, and then the URL bar uses the ?session=local- format to reflect the key of the localStorage entry.


If you click the "Share button" in the header bar, it will generate a "shareable link" that you can give to other users


See this FAQ entry for more info about how shared sessions work